Aren’t games for children and the playground?
Why didn’t someone tell me that actually relationships get harder the older you get?

Apparently not.
Apparently somewhere deep inside of me there’s a spoiled teenage brat who can’t deal with not being the center of her boyfriend’s universe. There’s a big mouthed broad who opened her trap and is trying to drive away who she thought was “the one”.
I’m sure there are people who read this and won’t agree. Who will want to know what “He” did “wrong”.
I just can’t do it.
I have to face facts and accept that maybe I was too demanding.
A little quick to judge and speak out.
It’s taken years to develop my voice, to recognize it’s okay for me to voice my needs. Now I just have to learn how to manage this voice. How not to alienate the ones I love. How not to open my mouth the wrong way at the wrong time and hurt other people – and myself.
I’m not writing this to have questions asked of “what happened” or “what went wrong”.
I’m not looking for someone to offer to go break his knees or smack some sense into him.
I’m writing this because I need to process.
I need to figure out “what happened” as well as what I’m going to do now.
I don’t know if I’m single, complicated or in a relationship (to put it in facebook lingo).
But I seem to be inundated with break up songs, break ups on the tv shows I watch, hearing of friends going through break ups and healings. I don’t know if this is where I am or not – which makes this processing so much harder. What I do know is this has been a turbulent few weeks and I’m sure I have a number more in front of me. So please, bear with me.
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I wish that I could do that, but I can’t. I’m not like any of you. I just handle things differently, so, please, just let me go back to bed and deal with things the only way that I know how. “ –Grace Adler, Will & Grace: Bed, Bath & Beyond (4.7)
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