29 Signs Your Biological Clock is Ticking (*my "oy vey"s)

- You’re checking out the man with a Baby Bjorn at the park, even though he’s standing next to a ripped, shirtless dude soaking up some rays*.
- You make silly faces at passing kids is strollers*.
- When you hear a baby cry you think, Aww! instead of STFU!*
- That woman over there is a bad mother. You’d be so much better.*
- Your horoscope says you’re going to be pleasantly surprised and you think you should pick up a home pregnancy test.
- The cutest thing in the world: baby shoes!*
- It didn’t even occur to you that there was something odd about a grown woman going to see “Toy Story 3.”*
- Pregnant ladies don’t scare you.*
- Dog-sitting for your friend made for the best weekend ever.
- You already have a pet, but you want one more.*
- Your mom is starting to make sense.
- You are getting way too comfortable talking about bodily functions.*
- You suddenly notice the places you go would be great to bring kids to.*
- One-night stands have lost their appeal.*
- You’ve thought about buying a onesie with a hilarious pun on it and saving it for when you have a baby.*
- You might not know all the adults at the BBQ, but everyone at the kids’ table knows your name.
- When a kid cries in your arms, you don’t hand them back to their mother.*
- Baby showers are full of the cutest crap, aren’t they?*
- You always wait, holding the door open, when you see a woman with a stroller in the area.*
- When you see cool kid stuff, you don’t think, I used to love this! Instead, you think, So-and-so’s kid would love this!*
- You have figured out how a baby would fit in your apartment.
- You get pangs of nostalgia for your old babysitting days. Sigh.
- LOL Cats is your slang. “Can I haz babeez now?!”
- You kill time at work surfing for adorable animal photos.
- Breastfeeding in public is a beautiful, natural thing.*
- You totally comment on more than one of your friend’s Facebook baby photos.*
- Your new personal hero is:
- The thought of giving up booze for nine months doesn’t freak you out.*
- You’ve already spent more time looking at the super cute baby in the photo above than reading this list.
* * *
I have a #30 for the list....You are Googling "Biological Clock Ticking"*...
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